OUTCOMESWhat made this restructuring so memorable and impactful is that the Omega Talent Development Team, led by Mr KS Sarvanavasan & Mr S. Ranganathan, found a way to match the people most likely to exhibit a service-oriented mindset with the newly created client-facing teams. In other words, they took on the challenge to reorganize the teams in a way that
not only considers the past performance of an individual but, even more importantly, their future potential to deliver the following qualities:* Empathy/compassion => to better understand the needs of the client
* Curiosity & creativity => to continuously look for new and better ways to meet those needs
* Collaboration & trust => to be able to seek out the win-wins
Their vision was inspiring, and the potential benefits were significant. Customers would receive better service and innovative solutions, Omega would be rewarded with higher levels of customer loyalty, and Omega employees would experience more meaning and greater flow in their work. They contacted Being at Full Potential, a professional services company specializing in human potential realization, to turn this vision into reality.
When they first saw the reporting framework (see Figure 1 below), they immediately recognized the correlation between the leadership qualities they sought in their client services team (compassion, curiosity, collaboration, service) and the measures generated from the human potential assessment.

In total, 686 responses were collected to give an overall view of how the organization was performing at the time in terms of realizing the potential of its people. KS and his team did not stop their analysis at the overall organizational level.
In collaboration with Being at Full Potential, they created a state-of-the-art analytics tool where they could easily dig out the areas of the organization where there was good alignment between an individual’s potential for customer-focused leadership and their role, as well as areas where an individual’s potential could be further optimized.
In doing so, they identified three kinds of teams:
a. Teams where the customer-focused leadership potential of both the manager and the team members were well expressed.
b. Teams where the customer-focused leadership potential of the manager is more expressed than the team members
c. Teams where the customer-focused leadership potential of the team members is more expressed than the manager
They saw a huge opportunity to restructure and realign the teams in a way that optimizes the potential of the team members and, hence, their ability to deliver the highest level of customer service. The following figures show this reorganisation's precise impact on the team’s ability to express more of its inherent potential.
1. Customer Orientation score went up from 78 to 85
2. Compassion score went from 74 to 81
Conclusion:Omega HMS can be considered a pioneer in how they unleashed human potential in their organization.
How they look at “Human Resources” through the perspective of human potential to leverage performance made all the difference.They believed the talent they needed to create an outstanding customer service team was already there.
They just needed to identify the people with the inherent capacity for compassion, collaboration & curiosity and then reassign them to positions where these qualities can be fully expressed.Omega’s human potential-based approach to leadership development shows us how tremendous efficiencies can be achieved in other organizations and the incredible impact it will have on the self-esteem and engagement of employees, translating into an improved bottom line.